Please join us for our first gathering of 2020, at the home of Walter and Lisa Siewart on Saturday, March 14th at 1:00 p.m.  Lunch will be served  followed by an extended time in praise, worship, exhortation, empowerment and intercession for the Ecclesia to arise in Boundary Country!  We are jealous to see Jesus lifted up from Beaverdell to Grand Forks and beyond as we have seen and heard at 'The Send' in Brazil, 'Battle for Canada' in Kelowna, Churches in S. Korea, The underground Church in China and Iran, and so many other places.  It's happening folks and it's our time, too!  Spread the word!  (We would appreciate knowing if you are coming as we need to make preparations for lunch.)  Testimonies following:

From The Send Brazil, February 2020:

What was a catholic doing at a solemn gathering organized by evangelicals? What was a catholic priest doing there? I went to see with my own eyes what we will tell to future generations: That the Holy Spirit has been sent and poured out not for some, but for every living being (Joel 3:1, Acts 2:17). I went to be an eye witness to thousands and thousands of young people who were not concerned with discussing philosophies or theologies to show who knows more or who is the heretic of history, but who were sincerely and solely seeking the master of their lives, willing to live the life of Jesus in a very concrete and committed way. I didn’t hear any sentimental preaching or a cheap gospel. I heard firm words and several times the invitation to repent, the holiness of life and the commitment to impact, evangelize and sanctify society. I personally saw the move of God, through many, diverse and innumerable healings. I witnessed blind people who saw again, deaf people who started to hear, paralyzed people who got up from their wheelchairs and started walking. Do you know what all this is? It is Jesus saying to Satan: "Enough!" Our beloved groom is coming back. The Bride, the church, needs to be prepared. The divisions that the devil initiated between the Christians, have their days numbered!
What did I see at the send Brazil? I saw the great revival that has already begun, and not even the whole of hell can prevent this Holy Fire from spreading!

CBN News: Awaken Tennessee:  200 churches join together for prayer and fasting in Tennessee:

The East Rogersville Church launched Awaken TN with multiple churches gathering for a night of praise, prayer, and worship on Sunday, Jan. 26 and then the revival conference was to start the next Sunday morning Feb. 2, 2020.  The week between these two Sundays was filled with prayer in our church. Each weeknight people gathered in homes to pray. It was an intense week of prayer for many of our people. God had been quietly working in many lives, but we had no idea of what He was about to do. Then Sunday morning came and what happened next astounded everyone, including the pastor. As the Franklins led the song 10,000 Reasons, one man sitting on the back row made his way to the altar and began to weep and pray. A host of other men gathered around him and prayed. Before the end of the song, the altar was filled with people. Slowly the altar began to empty, then it would fill again. Wave after wave of people broken before the Lord. Jesus had walked into our midst that morning and set up His throne and He has been here ever since!  Every service for the planned conference was filled with God’s presence. People were getting serious about dealing with personal sin and people were coming to Christ for salvation. Thirty-year feuds were made right, relationships have been restored, and many masks had been removed. People made public confessions of sin, bitterness, and laziness about their involvement in God’s kingdom activity, the pastor said.  The conference was supposed to be over Wednesday, February 5, however, the people on that night said ‘we need to keep meeting’. So we have kept meeting. We have now entered into our third week of services and based upon last night we are expecting to run at the very least through the end of this week,” the pastor said.

Know that God seems to move in waves. This has proven to be ever so helpful as we progress through these days of revival. We have witnessed these waves. All of the services have been Spirit-filled yet some are just overpowering and that is what we are seeing. It’s all God!  We pray that revival begins to spread rapidly across our state and nation.  There has been a 50-year history of intense prayer across our region and the last two years we’ve seen God lead cities of churches together to do prayer walks, crusades, and tent revivals.   Awaken Tennessee seems it has brought that extra Holy Spirit presence through prayer and fasting that we see exploding in church after church.

From the Battle For Canada, Kelowna, February 2020

The Battle for Canada is a national movement, a flashpoint, a cry for revival and true reformation to sweep the land we love and call home. It’s about contending for prophetic promises for the sake of our children and grandchildren. It’s simple, but not easy: first, establish a beachhead, then take the ground. Here’s where it gets tricky. There is no script. Rather than trying to be clever in the wisdom of man, the Battle for Canada has sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit every step of the way. Armed with prayer and fasting, in our weakness and His grace, spurred on by dreams and tested in faith, we have watched in awe as key “battle zones” were revealed, each in due season, each with unique mandates to fulfill. The full purpose of each previous location remained hidden until we committed to the cause and the cost, but what unfolded became a sign of the dynamic kind of dependence on the Holy Spirit which the church must re-embrace. The Battle for Canada is not a scripted service, much less a fight against flesh and blood. It is about stubbornly standing in the gap, in unity and intercession, til breakthrough and blessings rain upon our land once more. Come, stand, and fight with us. Together, we will chart a course by faith and repentance straight through the oppressive night to a new day.  Join with intercessors, worshippers and leading voices from across the continent as we stand in the gap and battle for Canada’s destiny and full harvest.

On a personal note:

We are pleased and excited to finally be 'back at it' after a sabbatical due to health issues, and we are very, very grateful for the prayers and encouragements that we have received over the past nine months. Good heavens, one could grow a baby in that time frame and perhaps we have!   It was a time for us to reflect on why God had us move here and what we could have done better.  It was a time for us to reflect on the misses and the hits and ask the 'did we really hear you Lord' questions regarding those things that didn't come to pass.  And it was a time to rest, refocus and ask for easement through enemy territory as we are seeing the fulfillment of  dreams: an Eagle's Nest Worship Festival in the summer, spearheaded by the LeBlancs,  Healing Rooms Boundary Country ready to go (location being finalized) and future gatherings being established on a more regular basis as initiated by the LeBlancs and Siewerts.  We also look forward to working together with with the Bedard's in Grand Forks, the Siewerts in Rock Creek, the LeBlancs in Christian Valley and the Frommes, the Danyluks and the Steingards in Midway and others (both locally and internationally) as opportunities arise.
Because of Him!

Gord and Jan   

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