Captured, Consumed, Compelled...

Yesterday, Gord and I took a drive to Osoyoos for a much needed beach walk.  The beach was nearly empty,  it was a gorgeous day, and we strolled mask-less, breathing in the fresh air and feeling a bit 'naughty!'  As we passed the Waterfront Hotel, I noticed that although no one knows whether or not there will be a tourist season this year, gardeners and cleaners were out in full force, enthusiastically preparing for an influx of tourists.

I mention this  because it illustrates how we are feeling after nearly one year encapsulated in our family bubble.  This time has been so profitable for us:  we have found rest and restoration, sweet times with Jesus and reflection.  However, suddenly, we are sensing  a change in the wind.  And so, like the ground staff at the Waterfront Hotel, we are preparing in anticipation of an influx (an arrival or entry of large numbers of people) of seekers, sleepers and keepers. 

Our hope when we moved here two years ago, was to gather believers and seekers who would contend with us for unity and revival in Boundary Country.  We forgot something.  Unity and revival is not an end in itself....the Harvest is!  And so, at the forefront of everything we are hoping to accomplish will be reaching the lost with the gospel.  Our invitations will always include bring a friend who doesn't know Jesus.   As we plan for Boundary Country Gathering, Set Free Weekends, Worship Events or Teaching Seminars, the 'cost' will always be the same: bring a friend who doesn't know Jesus!

And our hope is that each one of us and those we influence will be on this journey of being 'Captured by His Love, Consumed by Holy Spirit and Compelled to go!  More to come!

In ongoing dialogue with our friend Martin Fromme, we have been very excited to hear about the extensive research he has been doing on the activity of Holy Spirit from Genesis through Revelation.  He is ready and excited to share with us via zoom over the next four Wednesdays (March 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st) expounding on the scriptures and inviting us to be consumed along with himself!

Wednesday, March 10th: Promises, Patriarchs, Priests and Prophets

Wednesday, March 17th: The Son of God and Holy Spirit

Wednesday, March 24th: Holy Spirit and  the Kingdom of God

Wednesday, March 31st: You!

Zoom Room opens at 6:00 for greetings and fellowship

6:30 to 7:00 - Presentation of Scripture by Martin Fromme (host)

7:00 to 7:15 - Discussion relating to Scriptures presented and other Scripture relevant to the theme

7:15 - 7:30 - Waiting on the Lord and prayer

Meeting ID: 578-516-417

(If using a land line, like Gord and I, please dial 1-778-907-2071 and use meeting ID 578-516-417 and password 152216)

Missing you all very much and waiting with great anticipation to the days we can gather in person!

Gord and Jan



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