Moving Forward!


We are so very excited to let you know we are moving forward again with 'The Gatherings' and with a few new additions!  It has always been our hope that we would find a core team who would help us with where we sense the Lord is taking us all.  We were thrilled when the Fromme's, the LeBlanc's and the Siewert's said yes to our request.  It is such gift to us to have our friends rolling up their sleeves to help in their area of expertise and giftedness.  Gord and I had our first accountability team meeting on Monday the 18th, and the things that were accomplished and the ideas that flowed blew us away!

Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest ‘? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.

Here is a summary of that meeting:

We have changed the name of BCG to simply 'The Gathering' with the following vision statement which succinctly captures our hearts and hopefully yours.  

"We are a gathering place where believers and seekers can be encouraged, equipped and released in the principles and demonstration of the Kingdom of God in Boundary Country and Beyond."  

In keeping with this vision, Gord would like to begin this new season with a teaching  on Discovering the Kingdom of God and how it functions within the Ekklesia.   The December gathering would be a follow up with Embracing and Releasing Spiritual Gifts, fitting at a time when folks are all about giving and receiving gifts. Both of these gatherings would include impartation and laying on of hands.  

Our gatherings will be a place where we:

  • Welcome one another and Holy Spirit, and sense we are in a place of faith and focus
  • Discover and practice spiritual gifts and fruits of the Spirit
  • Encourage and exhort one another in prophetic revelation and all spiritual gifts
  • Participate in Joyful and Vertical Worship
  • Function in Ekklesia (everyone participating in their gifts and call)
  • Encouraging and hold one another accountable
  • Pray, Fellowship and enjoy Communion
  • Discover 'What has Jesus called us to do"
  • Have the freedom to pray for one another with the laying on of hands (where the need is evident)

We have established a list of potential gathering places and will gather once a month in a different location so that it is not such a long drive for those coming from Kelowna, Beaverdell, Carmi or Grand Forks.  

  • Evangel Church - Greenwood
  • Fair Grounds - Rock Creek
  • Wild Life Hall - Rock Creek
  • Midway Community Hall - Midway
  • Greenwood Community Hall
  • Fromme's Home
  • LeBlanc's Home 
Karen LeBlanc is in the midst of gathering and training a worship team for The Gathering.  This is her forte and she has done this for many churches in the past!  

We will also be following Covid protocols and Martin will keep on top of this for us.  We will supply hand sanitizer and masks for those who want, and will ask if folks have a cold, a cough, a fever or have been in contact with someone who has Covid, to remain at home.

Our gatherings will be held monthly on Saturdays, from 10:00 to 4:00 with a lunch break.  Gord and I will provide the first lunch of Petrocan bunwiches and probably have a donation box IF you feel like helping.  We are a little leery of Pot lucks due to Covid, and welcome your suggestions.

And now (drum roll please) the proposed calendar:

Saturday, November 13th, 10:00 - 4:00, Evangel Church Greenwood

Saturday, December 11th, 10:00 - 4:00, Potentially Wildlife Centre, Rock Creek

Invitation to follow once all the details are firmed up!!!

Blessings and love

Gord and Jan



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