Now is the Time!


Thank you so much for those of you who joined us  from near and far!  It was so good to be together again and to meet new folks who said "we feel a part of you".  It was so good to  see the Ecclesia in action!  So many prophetic words to process both personally and as a group.  So many folks deeply moved by healing prayer and encouraging words.  Some stepping out in boldness for the very first time.  The word "boldness" has been highlighted over and over and over again!  Yesterday we were with Martin and Elaine Fromme to review the gathering and seek the Lord for where we go from here.  During our prayer time, Elaine, who is usually so quiet, said "This is like taking coals to Newcastle, but I have one word.....Boldness!"    And I thought to myself, OK Lord, we haven't even scratched the surface of where You will take us boldly.  Let's go folks!  

One thing that Gord and I are sure of is that NOW is the time to establish a BCG's team of 5  diverse singles or couples (if the spouse would like to be included) to pray with us, to plan with us, to process prophetic with us, and to ensure we are all in line with what Holy Spirit is doing in Boundary Country.  Distance and time available will not be a problem.  We can meet once a month via zoom or in person....whatever works.  We have been watching and praying pretty well since the inception of BCG, looking  for leaders who are also team players and can help us move forward.  It has never been our intention to function alone, but in team, and we're prepared to do that when Covid hit!  However, thankfully we kept our notes and will be sending out invitations and more information, soon.

On Saturday, I mentioned briefly about the young man  (Sean Feucht) leading "Let us Worship" gatherings all over the U.S. and I am attaching his interview about yesterday's gathering in Portland.  You will clearly hear his heart, some historical data and the spiritual battle that is raging but not nearly enough to stop this movement of God.  And once again you will hear the word "Boldness" and what it means for all of us.  Are you ready?  Are we ready?  Please take a few minutes to listen to this is truly a sobering and timely exhortation to the Bride.  Now is the time!!! Now is the Time to Worship....Don Potter!

Gord and Jan


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