Sadly, our Christmas Gathering must be postponed due to new covid guidelines.


Greetings from Gord and Jan and the Leadership Team of "The Gathering"

We are so very sad to have to postpone our Christmas Gathering due to the new Covid-19 guidelines announced yesterday, shortly after we sent our invitation.  We have been praying and preparing for some time now and thought we had all the details in place. From the decor, to the luncheon, to the worship, to the Little Drummer boy,  to prayer ministry, to communion and to some surprises we had in store, excitement was definitely mounting in our spirits!  So to say we were shocked and disappointed by the announcement is an understatement! 

Collectively we discussed if there was anyway we could still make this happen, while complying with the guidelines, but we simply couldn't.  50% of our building's capacity would be only 20 folks and masks would hinder or eliminate altogether our worship, prayer ministry, and communion which are such a significant part of our gatherings.  Again, we are so very sorry, and as soon as the mask and 50% seating mandates have been lifted, we will be back with our monthly events.  We will contact you as soon as we can, to let your know about our next gathering.

May you be blessed as you celebrate the birth and promised return of Jesus with those you love......

Dr. Bonnie Henry announced yesterday at a weekly news conference that masks are required at all 'faith services' going forward.  The amendment also applies to those in 'choirs' or in our case worship leaders.  Masks can be taken off if eating or drinking during ceremonies, or if physical distancing measures (6 feet) are in place.  Worship services must now be limited to 50% of seated capacity, unless EVERY participant is vaccinated.  If everyone has had their Covid-19 vaccines, up to 100 percent capacity is permitted.  Dr. Bonnie did not say how long the mandate would apply to places of worship, but did announce the update was being put in place 'as we enter the holiday and winter season'!


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