Boundary Country Intercession & Beyond

 John 20:21 'As the Father has sent me, I also send you!'

Boundary Country Intercession and Beyond

Saturday,  February 17th, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 

King of King's Upper Room

What to Expect

  • We will be taking a very brief time to introduce the three "hubs" of  Intercessory Groups that are presently available  in the Boundary or will be soon; unique in focus, leadership and venue and yet unified in purpose and autonomous in structure.
  • Opportunity for questions
  • Communion
  • Worship
  • Reflection
  • Intercession                                                                                                                                                                   
The following month, at our March Intercessory Group (Saturday, March 16th), we will invite all three groups as well as leaders and interested parties in the Valley, to join with us.  The leadership of the 'hubs' will give a brief explanation of the focus, day and time, venue (online or in person) and what to expect.     

For this Intercessory time, our focus will be on uncovering strongholds and strategies over the Boundary that would hinder our prayers for unity among believers and churches here.  

When we first established the Gathering, we felt from God to visit six villages and pray with their leadership for an awakening in each one.  We took a team to Beaverdell, Greenwood, Rock Creek, Grand Forks, Bridesville and Midway.  We now have the prayer capacity to cover each village and beyond as He leads!

Ephesians 6:18

Gord and Jan


Julie Holstein said…
Thank you Gord and Jan for planning the Intercessory meetings on Feb 17 and March 16! This sounds like a solid plan. Looking forward to working together in uncovering strongholds in the Boundary region as God leads and guides us. Holy Spirit give us wisdom and discernment!
Julie Holstein said…
Thank you Father for putting the desire in our hearts to pray and intercede for your purposes in this region. Thank you Gord and Jan for your leadership in bringing this all together in the unity of the spirit! Your commitment and love for us is so evident.

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