
Showing posts from March, 2021

Captured, Consumed, Compelled...

Yesterday, Gord and I took a drive to Osoyoos for a much needed beach walk.  The beach was nearly empty,  it was a gorgeous day, and we strolled mask-less, breathing in the fresh air and feeling a bit 'naughty!'  As we passed the Waterfront Hotel, I noticed that although no one knows whether or not there will be a tourist season this year, gardeners and cleaners were out in full force, enthusiastically preparing for an influx of tourists. I mention this  because it illustrates how we are feeling after nearly one year encapsulated in our family bubble.  This time has been so profitable for us:  we have found rest and restoration, sweet times with Jesus and reflection.  However, suddenly, we are sensing  a change in the wind.  And so, like the ground staff at the Waterfront Hotel, we are preparing in anticipation of an influx (an arrival or entry of large numbers of people) of seekers, sleepers and keepers.