
Showing posts from October, 2021

It's time for another Gathering: Save the Date.....

  The Gathering God created us for Love, for Relationship, and for Community.  It is in this context that we know God and He knows us.  And it is from this place of knowing that we are to embark on the Great Commission! We hope you can join us at our next 'Gathering' where we come together as 'one' in Ekklesia, which to the  to the Greeks meant 'Assemble', to the Hebrews meant 'Gathering' and to Jesus, based on what He exemplified, meant a gathering on the move!)    We come together as one, to worship Jesus and to learn more about the Kingdom of God and the Ministry of Holy Spirit.....Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!  Saturday, November 13th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Greenwood Evangel Chapel 401 North Kimberly Street, Greenwood (Corner of Kimberly & Galloway) What to expect: Vertical Worship, Communion, Prayer, Prophetic Revelation, Teaching, Sharing, Caring, Food, Fun & Fellowship!   Your hosts :  Gord & Jan Wh

Moving Forward!

  We are so very excited to let you know we are moving forward again with 'The Gatherings' and with a few new additions!  It has always been our hope that we would find a core team who would help us with where we sense the Lord is taking us all.  We were thrilled when the Fromme's, the LeBlanc's and the Siewert's said yes to our request.  It is such gift to us to have our friends rolling up their sleeves to help in their area of expertise and giftedness.  Gord and I had our first accountability team meeting on Monday the 18th, and the things that were accomplished and the ideas that flowed blew us away! Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest ‘? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Here is a summary of that meeting: We have changed the name of BCG to simply 'The Gathering' with the following vision statement which succinctly captures our hearts and hopefully yours.   &

Now is the Time!

  Wow!!!! Thank you so much for those of you who joined us  from near and far!  It was so good to be together again and to meet new folks who said "we feel a part of you".  It was so good to  see the Ecclesia in action!  So many prophetic words to process both personally and as a group.  So many folks deeply moved by healing prayer and encouraging words.  Some stepping out in boldness for the very first time.  The word "boldness" has been highlighted over and over and over again!  Yesterday we were with Martin and Elaine Fromme to review the gathering and seek the Lord for where we go from here.  During our prayer time, Elaine, who is usually so quiet, said "This is like taking coals to Newcastle, but I have one word.....Boldness!"    And I thought to myself, OK Lord, we haven't even scratched the surface of where You will take us boldly.  Let's go folks!   One thing that Gord and I are sure of is that NOW is the time to establish a BCG's team